Our Mission

The supplement industry is full of gimmicky hacks, most of which don't actually offer any significant impact on your physical or mental well-being.

Worse still, supplements are made without any consideration for the end user or how easy it is to consume them habitually.

Nootra was created to change that

The face behind the brand

Nootra was initially created because I hated the taste of creatine and despite knowing it's the best supplement out there, I could never stick with it. When looking for alternatives I could not find any company that offered 5g of creatine per serving, had a good environmental ethos and that tasted good, so I created my own.

What started as a solution to a sticky problem has now become a vision much bigger than I could ever have imaged.

Our mission is to change the supplement industry with a brand that is based on strong scientific principles and a minimalistic ideology.

Most supplement companies waste your time, we want to be the exact opposite of that.

Try Nootra
  • Science

    Our products are built on a strong scientific basis. You know... the stuff that ACTUALLY works. On top of that our products are created with you in mind. That means that we make them simple, tasty and easy to consume.

  • Sustainability

    We are committed to a sustainable cause. Our main product Nootra has been made from 100% recyclable material, so that your pouch doesn't have to end up in landfill. Good for you, good for the planet.

  • Minimalism

    Most supplements waste your time. The truth is that you don't need to consume most of it to make fitness progress. Our products are created with the intention of giving you a big edge in your fitness journey. Not just tiny improvements.